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If you are unsure of what sort of evaluation would be best for your learner,

please contact me and we can work together to find the perfect fit.

Reading Assessment 

  • Age: Students 4-18 years old

  • Purpose: To identify literacy weaknesses 

  • Administration time: 60 minutes

  • Location: Must be done IN PERSON

  • Cost: $150

  • Tests included in battery: Standardized

    • Feifer Assessment of Reading(FAR)

      • Addresses four specific subtypes of dyslexia: dysphonetic dyslexia, surface dyslexia, mixed dyslexia, and reading comprehension deficits if found

      • Comprises 15 individual subtests measuring various aspects of vocabulary, phonological awareness, decoding skills, rapid automatic naming, orthographical processing, morphological processing, word memory, reading fluency (word and story; silent and oral), and comprehension skills.

      • Examinees in prekindergarten take eight subtests, examinees in kindergarten to Grade 1 take 11 subtests

 Upon completion of the FAR, parents will receive a printed report regarding their student's reading strengths, and weaknesses, how they compare to same-age peers, and suggestions.

*Insurance does not cover this evaluation

**Diagnosis of dyslexia does not guarantee IEP/504

***These evaluations do not qualify for the Family Empowerment Scholarship

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